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VR6 exhaust decisions

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I think im gonna get a Magnex for my VR, only thing is, dont know where to buy it from. Anyone know whos good on price for these things? Cheers.

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if you fancy a trip to Sunny Scunthorpe I can get you one done where I work for £290.00 all inc.


Might well do that,


how long do you think it would take (taking "excpecting the unexcpected" into account)

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Nice C Leonard...


Cheers mate, I think the Scorpion exhaust looks nicely subtle as well, still roars though especially with BMC Carbon filter kit :lol:

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I would have to reccomend the Scorpion one :D


looks like the same exaust as mine from the pic so i would have to agree. Not that loud either on the vr.

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Sorry all for bringing up this old thread but its the most recent I could find with any reference to Walker exhausts..


Mechanic replaced the exhuast on rado yesterday (centre and back sections)- it was an original VAG exhaust, with a Walker exhaust.


Car seems to drive ok (doesn't seem down on power or anything) and still generates the its characteristic exhaust 'pop, burble and growl' when the revs drop through the 1800-1200 rpm range which my VR has always made 8) - however..


...I now appear to have loud knocking noise from the rear (I think) left hand side when going over bumps/rough road.. :mad:


Rear pads, discs and wheel bearing have also been replaced.


Mechanic thought noise from the front left suspension- I'm not so sure (Although I'm also 30% deaf!)..


Crawled underneath car yesterday to try and give the new exhaust sections a bit of a push and wriggle to see if anything is lose and it all seems pretty solid, just a few mm 'flex' when pushing upwards which I put down to flexing of the exhaust itself which would be expected...


Anyone have any thoughts?...(or experience with Walker exhausts posts 2003).


Thread on PH also running regarding this:- http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topi ... 0&t=479913

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