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Bonnet cable **UPDATE ALL FIXED**

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Evening all


seems like everything on my car is breaking!


anyways, went to open the bonnet just now & the lever just went completley slack.. there a funny shapped peice of metal come off.. the outer cable is there but looks to me like the cables snapped through..


how do I open the bonnet?


need it fixed asap! anyone local fancy helping me out? Dave??

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One last word on this subject.


If you have to gain access by removing the front grill don't go butchering your radiator shrouds.

Just arm yourself with a 10mm spanner (you might need to remove the two horns to give yourself more elbow room) and take out the two bolts that attach the shrouds to the Rad each side. Then you can just pull the shrouds towards you enough to get your hand in each side and pull the latch arms.


You'll need a bit of patience to get that front grill out in one piece though.

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cheers for the replies guys.. only concern I have is Im running a regier grill dont want to go breaking an £80 grill :(

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nightmare! mine went last week, exactly the same thing..


my grill is the jom one which i had secured over the headlights with sealant and the clips in the middle just push in, so with a small amount of force i managed to get it out.


with the grill out you can reach up in the middle and feel the wire running to the latches. pull down on this and it releases.. mine was only sticking on the drivers side though, so this may be different if yours is stuck both..


hope you get it sorted okay bud.



above tip courtesy of g-werks - i had no idea what to do! :lol:

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there is also another way if you cant take the grill out and the cable or collar on the end of the cable has gone, you will need to get the car up on ramps or axle stands and get right underneath, then if you look up at the back of the front slam panel there should be a loop at the bottom of the metal rod for each bonnet catch, you will also notice the rods are hooked into hooks on the back of the slam panel, you need to unhook the rods and twist them until the catch is released.

I will try and get photo's over the easter brake as my engine is coming out completely to be swapped.

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thanks again guys


the grills got screws to hold the grill against the slam panel, the rest of its velcrod on...


im not looking forward to this job.. I hate this car real bad now.. on e thing after another.. facking cant use it as a daily anymore...


pass me some matches :mad2:

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Happened to me too last year after trying to show off the engine to a mate, served me right. The get under the car with a screwdriver option is the best one once you find what to do.


How much of a pain is the new cable to fit though?! It's bad enough feeding it up into the scuttle panel and through the bay, let alone attaching it to the handle inside the car, it's a right awkward piece of metal, it hurts if the end of it stabs you whilst working on it too.

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Must be the season for it, mine just went the other week too. Took me a couple of hours t get the damn thing open & the new cable fitted, but allis well now. The advice on this post helped my situation best:




Good luck. :)

When you bought a new cable did you get the metal clip that holds the outer cable rigid to the inside of the car while you pull the inner one? (if that makes sense lol) As this has broke on mine and when i went to vw to buy one i was told they were discontinued, i didnt want to pay 25 quid for a new cable to find that the clip didnt come with it :confused4:

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cheers all.. spent 2hrs at Eurotek on saturday trying to make the bonnet pop.. we managed to pop the passenger side, but the drivers side just wont pop.. the cables broken.. pulled it through into the bay.. theres just not enough room underneath to get any space to pull the cable.. how can it be so hard??


going to order new cable etc.. seen one on ebay with all the bits...

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Must be the season for it, mine just went the other week too. Took me a couple of hours t get the damn thing open & the new cable fitted, but allis well now. The advice on this post helped my situation best:




Good luck. :)

When you bought a new cable did you get the metal clip that holds the outer cable rigid to the inside of the car while you pull the inner one? (if that makes sense lol) As this has broke on mine and when i went to vw to buy one i was told they were discontinued, i didnt want to pay 25 quid for a new cable to find that the clip didnt come with it :confused4:


DANG60, Yeah, the metal clip comes with the cable. I didn't actually need it so should have the new one knocking around? Drop me a PM & I'll see if I can find it for ya.

Bally. If you can take your grill out with the bonnet shut then you can get to the release spring behind the headlight. I used a strong, long piece of metal to hook the spring. You'll probably need to stick a light underneath the car to shine upwards. Drop me a PM if you want some more specific advice on this & I'll see if I can get you some pics.

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Must be the season for it, mine just went the other week too. Took me a couple of hours t get the damn thing open & the new cable fitted, but allis well now. The advice on this post helped my situation best:




Good luck. :)

When you bought a new cable did you get the metal clip that holds the outer cable rigid to the inside of the car while you pull the inner one? (if that makes sense lol) As this has broke on mine and when i went to vw to buy one i was told they were discontinued, i didnt want to pay 25 quid for a new cable to find that the clip didnt come with it :confused4:


DANG60, Yeah, the metal clip comes with the cable. I didn't actually need it so should have the new one knocking around? Drop me a PM & I'll see if I can find it for ya.

Bally. If you can take your grill out with the bonnet shut then you can get to the release spring behind the headlight. I used a strong, long piece of metal to hook the spring. You'll probably need to stick a light underneath the car to shine upwards. Drop me a PM if you want some more specific advice on this & I'll see if I can get you some pics.


Evening.. thats the problem, the grills fixed down by couple of screws at the top (reiger grill)... we did manage to lift the bottom two lugs of the grill & lift & bend it up so you can get behind it just abt.. gona need another grill its runied now..:cry:


thnaks for the tip & reply, we'll try that on the wkend as I dont get time during the wk.. fingers crossed everythings ok under the bonnets ok til then!! hopefully I'll have a new cable etc by the wkend to replace the old one with...


feel free to PM me some extra tips.. thanks again all....

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ok guys, before it started raining this evening I had another go.. I cant seem to move the spring behind the headlight...


its obvious the drivers side cable is totally broken as I cant pop the passenger side with the cable but drivers side tge cables snapped off & not attached.. tried a screwdriver as metioned in another thread & cant seem to get it to move.. I must be doing something wrong.. the rain got worth so I gaveup for tonite... seen this pic.. is the hightlighted area in the pic what Im meant to be twisting??

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Rather than trying to twist it, just push it to the side and then unhook, it should then release easily.


ok mate, I'll give that a go... thanks

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Thanks all, after using a crow bar I got the bonnet open :D


no panels damged.. grills broke though... that rod section was really really stiff to push... its opens one side & the cables still attached to the other side.. Ive got all the replacements bits on the way..


going to to be fun trying to fit the new one!!!

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Ive got all the clips etc & cable & handle too...


peeps, any tips as to fitting replacement??

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Morning peeps


well fitted the new cable y'day... big thanks to bill for his help & using his corrado to compare.. all greased up working ok... drivers side needs a abit of a tweak... but nice to have it all working again..



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Great news :) Glad it's all finally sorted. I know how relieved I was to finally have the bonnet opening again too!

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Great news :) Glad it's all finally sorted. I know how relieved I was to finally have the bonnet opening again too!


tell em abt it.. march has been a very expensive month.. things I'd planned for been delayed with stupied things going wrong which cost silly money...


my advise, corrados look smart but a right pain in the arse :roll:

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quick question, hopefully someone can help. Had the bonnet get stuck on monday, managed to get it open, it was the clip that hold the outer cover over the cable that had broken. £30 for a new cable and clip so ordered it just in case, and went looking for something to hold the cable. Got a bit from halfords and have got it all working, cost under £2 to do :D. Have taken some picks so could put up how i done it. The bonnet now opens everytime no problems but the handle doesn't return back to its original position. You have to push it back before you close the bonnet. Tried tightening the cable but that made it worse because then i had it so tight that the catches were always open. Have got it to a point where it will open and close everytime, but what could be causing the handle to not pull back. Could it be the release springs that are a bit tired, or that the outer cover is not quite right?

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