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how do the front seats come out?

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really easy one for you this is!!


how do the front seats come out??? my old car was easy, just 4 bots attaching the subframe of the seat of the car... these ones dont have that


i have a VR6 if that makes a difference



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it should just be undo one bolt/nut at the front and slide them out over the runners.......tho as you have heated seats make sure you disconnect them before yanking the seat out :wink:

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Don't forget to take off the trim on the rear of the runners next to the tunnel! You'll snap 'em if you don't remember!!! :roll:


IIRC there's a plug in the centre of the trim that you have to pull off to release the trim. You also have to have the seat fully forwards to get the trim out without breaking it!


AFTER you've done that bit, it's as VR6storm says, there's just one bolt on the front of the seat that you undo and any wires for the electric seats, pull the adjust lever and push backwards... 8)


Refitting is pretty much the reverse, but you need to fiddle around with the centre mount and the handle on the seat to make sure that the 2 line up OK. Also, before you put the bolt back in, shake the seat back side to side to make sure you've got both of the back runners in properly else you could find that your seat rocks when cornering! :?

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Also... they go in alot easier if they are adjusted so you are sitting as close to the floor as pos.


You may want to clean and re-grease the runners before you refit (they get covered in grit over time) - dont use too much grease tho as it will end up all over the carpets!


Also check the plastic/rubber clips on the seat (that go into the runners and allows the seat to slide back and forth, these wear out and arn't expensive to replace (inner and outer ones are seperate parts)

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Any ideas how the carpets come out guy's?


Be aware that the front carpet is one piece, so to remove it you're gonna have to remove BOTH front seats!


To take it out you need to take out the lower shelves on the dashboard. Some of the fixings for this hold part of the carpet in. You'll then be able to see some large plastic fixings that have a small slot in the top of them which hold the carpet in. These unscrew to release the carpet. You may find that it's easier not to try and undo these with a screwdriver as the plastic slot just rounds out... You can normally undo these by hand with a bit of effort...


The center console (under the handbreak) then needs to come out and the whole carpet should then be able to be pulled back into the car.


I think that's all of it... It's a while since I did this (about 4 years!) so I may have missed something, but I don't think I have... 8)


Hope this helps...


dazzyvr6 , The reason I locked the other seat removal thread was 'cos the same questions were being asked in these 2 threads that were both active. I locked the smallest one which had no fresh info in it... 8) I, for one, had put some info into this thread that answered several of the questions and I wasn't about to waste time typing it out again...

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and the back seats??


i've tried pulling the drivers side bench upwards, but it seems stuck. Is it bolted down?


Is it easy to remove the lower shelving from the dash?

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dubbprince, Have you got the center arm rest, or the flat back seat?


I've never had a flat one, so I don't know how it comes out... :?


The rear seats with a center arm rest come out like so:


1) lift the arm rest up: You'll see 4 screws by the hinge, undo these and your arm rest is out.

2) put your hand in between the seat base and the seat back and lift the back of the base up, it'll hinge forwards a bit and probably then stick, now pull the seat base back and up and it'll come out. do the same on the other side.

3) The backs of the seats can now be unscrewed from their mounts and removed.


Easy when you know how... :lol: 8)

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i still think the "how do the seats come out?" post is always the funniest when i see it on the dub forums. its SO simple once you are told, but if you don't know, it seems like a real hassle! :lol:


i bet you could swap both front seats for two different front seats in about a minute and a half if you didn't have to mess with heated-seat connections....2 minutes flat for heated :roll:

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