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Identifying a 9A Crank 2.0 16V

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Im after a bit of information if anyone knows :notworthy:


I have a MK1 Golf GTI 8v which was upgraded to a 2.0L many moons ago at stealth racing. Now that the bottom end as gone abit t*ts up I need a replacement crank shaft. I have contacted them, and they said it was from a corrado 2.0 16v but just need to know weather there is any identifying marks on a 2.0l 16 crank to be sure before I change it.


Thanks all


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It'll be stamped with it's part # somewhere hopefully!


053 105 101H


Taken from Vagcat (crankshaft for 9A)





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no probs!


I'm either on here, or traipsing through vagcat :lol:


wassat, thermo engineering report? meehhh, i r on teh interwebz!

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