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Exhaust Removal Help Needed

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Hoping someone has some suggestions on how to seperate the middle box from the straight through pipe before it? I have mangage to remove the stubborn clamp that held the 2 together, but the two pipes are stuck fast!!!

As I have got this far I managed to get the back box seperated from the middle box with a bit of playing about, but the middle box just won't budge. I have tried the mandatory hammer along with some plus gas to see if that would free it up, also run the engine for a bit to see if heat would do anything with the clamp removed but still no joy :brickwall:


Anyone any other suggestions I could try?


Thanks in advance :)

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If you're not keeping the parts, I would go back to the hammer.


Denting in the section which sleeves into the other one will help the the union to loosen, plus the force from the hammer will dislodge any exhaust paste sealing the join.


I tend to use this, plus taking the mount rubbers off the box and twisting the whole box whilst under the car to free them up.


If you are keeping the parts, it's probably gonna be a heat / plusgas job, just be careful of the fuel lines.





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If you're not keeping the parts, I would go back to the hammer.


Denting in the section which sleeves into the other one will help the the union to loosen, plus the force from the hammer will dislodge any exhaust paste sealing the join.


I tend to use this, plus taking the mount rubbers off the box and twisting the whole box whilst under the car to free them up.


If you are keeping the parts, it's probably gonna be a heat / plusgas job, just be careful of the fuel lines.






Cheers Jon, I will be keeping the straight through pipe and replacing the middle box. Before I left it for today I had managed to get screwdriver wedged in between the pipes and gradually prising the two apart but it's taking time and I still don't know if this will help release the join on the top of the pipe. All the mounts have been released and there is still not enough play to work it free, it's like it's been welded on :bad-words:


Guess I'll just have to get stuck in tomorrow again and hope it doesnt take to long, after all the Merseyside Derby is on at 4 :norty:


As for Kwikfit, if I'd wanted to take the easy option I would of taken it to them in the first place :roll:

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