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Have i got this right? (rear arb)

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As the title suggests i just want to check ive got this right before i go bolting it all back up properly. Nothing came up on fitting in the search.



My excellent paint skills show how ive fitted it to the bottom shock mounty bit:



Also do i now torque that bolt upto what the previous bolt was? 70nm isnt it?


thanks, sam

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cool, i just have horrible visions of everything falling off as i go down the road :lol:


thanks, sam

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Yep thats fine, that bolt should be 85-90mm rather than the standard 75 and should be torque'd to 70Nm


Make sure you spray some white grease on the ties that attach it to the beam as they go rusty as fooook...

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cool, i just have horrible visions of everything falling off as i go down the road :lol:


thanks, sam


Trust me, it's not as bad as it seems :lol:


Looks all good to me.

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