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Please help, 9A torque settings list for wiki needs proofing

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Hi. It's taken a long time but I have at last got to the point where we need to finalise the 9A torque settings entry for the wiki. Supercharged helped us get the job under way and Crasher has been invaluable in checking them over and over so far and suggesting changes and additions, so many thanks to them. However, before it gets released it would be great if a lot more people could have a look and check it out against their own experience and sources.


It only applies to the 2.0L 16V 9A as info on that engine seems very thin on the ground, and it's all engine related as so many other values from other areas are shared and available. We have managed to put together a virtually complete set of torque settings for everything around the engine, if we have missed anything please let us know. It's in PDF format so it cannot be changed, either deliberately or accidentally. Once checked can you post any queries or suggestions in this thread and I will apply edits as necessary.



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Looks good Albie and will be useful in some cases.......I can see at least one of those numbers is wrong for the later variant of the 9a.


Essentially you've advised people to tighten somthing like their timing belt tensioner nut up to 45nm, this, in the case of my late 9a, would break the stud that you tighten the nut on to...this is because it actually needs to be tightened to 25nm due to the different type of stud used....m8 > m10 i think..........que lots of swearing and slight panic that you might not be able to get the stud out and my have slightly crushed the pulley...


When i asked one of the VAG mechanics what the torque setting was for the stud he was very loathed to give it to me, undestandably(sp?)..


Looking good so far though :D

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Thanks for th4e help on that nocrap. I'll check on it if I can and incorporate that in the list. Disappointing response to the work put in though. Maybe it wasn't a wanted resource anyway. Oh well, ay least I have my own copy now. :)

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Late type M8 timing belt tensioner stud and nut at 18Nm / 25lb ft have been added nocrap.


It would be useful to get some positive posts that it is fine. If there is anyone out there who has looked through the PDF and can't see anything wrong please tell me. That way I at least know that I shouldn't expect any more posts with corrections. At the moment, although I think it is correct, I am left worrying that maybe there is something major in it which I haven't spotted, and no one else is checking to find it either.


When it moves off the current page in the forum we will have to consider it ok and I will ask the mods to consider this for the Wiki.

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