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Have a problem!! Need opinions

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Okay so I bought a 92 corrado slc with the help of my dad about a month ago (I live in the US), and essentially got shafted, as the person who sold it to us entirely misrepresented that car. We took it to get inspected some days after purchase and found that the entire transaxle was bad and had to be replaced, so right off the bat that was like $1500. It has various other imperfections that we were aware of, but did not consider them a big deal. Unfortunately, one of those imperfections has become a potentially major problem ( I assume). Let me say that I do not have much knowledge on the general maintenance of cars, and while my dad is pretty good, he's not a mechanic, and certainly doesn't know much about this car, so forgive me if I sound quite uneducated when talking about it. Anyway, for the problem: Originally we thought it was a case of old plugs and wires that needed to be replaced. The car would sometimes simply not accelerate, as if the engine was just not getting enough fuel or firing correctly. We thought that it was a result of the plugs fouling, because if the car were driven more carefully and easily, or if it was opened up on the highway and given a chance to run steadily, it would seem to clear out and run better after that. However, one day it really just wasn't working well enough to drive, not responding to the throttle and hardly starting up, so we decided to try and correct the problem We couldn't replace the wires/ plugs immediately, so we used a lubricant/cleaning type oil that my dad is fond of for his other vehicles, adding it to the fuel to try and clean the motor a little better. Unfortunately, instead of making it better, the car just ran worse. We tried opening it up on the highway, and it became dangerous as the car ran progressively worse because it would literally stop accelerating, and began to die at idle. We ended up getting stuck and having to get towed home, the car completely nonfunctional. My dad thinks it is related to the fuel system being dirty, but is not sure whether there are things that are broken and need to be replaced, and unfortunately is unfamiliar with the car and so cannot attempt to analyze or fix anything at this point. We just ordered the factory service manual to help us out, but I was just hoping that someone here might have some insight as to what the problem could be. I think the Corrado is an amazing vehicle, and have wanted one for such a long time, but this is really depressing :( . I only hope it's not too expensive to get it back into running shape, because I would hate to see my new car sitting for the next few months

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Bummer, hate it when people misdescribe things you buy ..

As for the poor running, could be a number of things. Either:

- physical engine probs (head gasket?)

- engine sensors (MAF/ lambda typical culprits, engine speed sensor also possibility)

- oiled-up plugs/bad leads (suggest you start here! it's the cheapest!)


You really want to get hold of the diags software and try reading off the ECU what faults it's reporting. That'll tell you a lot about the system in general. You also want to tell us what miles per gallon it's doing - that tells you a lot about the state of the fuel system. And what colour is the smoke/steam if any coming out the back? And does it use oil? Any mayo under the filler cap?

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It has been doing good on mileage, about 30 mpg on the highway and probably a little over 20 in the city, and there's no sort of smoke or anything. The motor itself seems very strong and healthy. The problem is that it just doesn't pick up, doesn't engage. If or when it finally does "catch", the motor pulls hard; it just seems that it's not getting fuel.

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adding it to the fuel to try and clean the motor a little better. Unfortunately, instead of making it better, the car just ran worse.


Change the fuel filter.

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I would second changing the fuel filter.


My car had been standing for about 4 months and drove with symptoms like yours. I drove it to its test and it cut out on me 3 times with lack of power almost like it was out of fuel. It always restarted and after it got warmed up drove fine. I changed the plugs and all filters, got my local garage to change the fuel filter and clean the fuel system through. They said there was a hellava lot of crap in there. Its ran fine since.

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Might also be a good idea to check for any air leaks and spray some carb cleaner in the air intake tube and throttle body.

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