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Identify my rear calipers please!

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So I was fiddling about with my hand brake, trying to figure out why it felt so... crappy. I took the plastic cover off and discovered the equaliser was not equalising very well. I poked it a bit before long realising that the right hand side cable was basically slack and didn't return when I tugged on it. Right then, I thought, wheel off for a closer inspection time...




The mechanism had more or less seized, so I attacked it with some release oil and waggled it around a bit and it started working a bit better. Then I noticed something odd...




The left hand caliper looks somewhat different to the right hand caliper. Surely this ain't right? It explains a few of things, like why the cable travel differed between the calipers and probably the partial cause of the right one binding up in the first place.


So my question is, what calipers have I got here? I'm looking at replacing one or both of them so they're the same. The right hand is pretty shagged to be honest, so it'll probably be the one I'd replace assuming I only do one. If I'm replacing both which type of calipers do you recommend?

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The top picture one is a standard Corrado item, the other one i havent got a clue, im unsure what that curly bit is on the back..


New ones - go for Mk4 Golf items, cheap from the scrappy and much better than your originals. Work will standard size discs and pads...

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The top picture seems to be missing the return spring. I think. It is a bit early for me though. I've got a calier in my boot. hang on...

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Mk3 calipers will ft a rado and look different to the mk2s we have as standard, but I don't know exactly what they look like.


Here's a standard rado item.

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One is early, one is late...


Looking at Yan's car this weekend he has one of each too - strange thing is a VW garage actually fitted the early one as a replacement and the other is late :?


I'm sure it doesn't matter too much is they are both working but VW state in the workshop manual that if interchanged, they should be done as a pair!


Mk4 is the way to go tho!!

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Thanks for the replies. Googling a bit suggests the NS is mk2 and the OS is mk3. In any case I'm not comfortable with them being different; the throw of the handbrake cable is different which means it's only really working properly on one side. I think it's likely that the internal volume of the calipers differs too -- that can't be healthy.


Assuming I go down the mk4 route, do I need anything special to fit them, or are they a bolt on replacement? What about hoses?

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Thanks for the replies. Googling a bit suggests the NS is mk2 and the OS is mk3. In any case I'm not comfortable with them being different; the throw of the handbrake cable is different which means it's only really working properly on one side. I think it's likely that the internal volume of the calipers differs too -- that can't be healthy.


Assuming I go down the mk4 route, do I need anything special to fit them, or are they a bolt on replacement? What about hoses?


The callipers themselves are a bolt-on replacement, but you need Mk2->Mk4 conversion hoses. Goodridge make some nice braided ones, which seems to be the best option.

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Was gonna say, i have just bought a caliper and its different to the original. Still it fits and works ok though so didnt make a fuss. So its a late and early caliper.

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