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kr cams????

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ive just soent today putting the kr cams in and im very chuffed but>>> thers always a but>>>>>....



now ive got a realy bad noise about 3 k revs i can here it under load and at stand still it sounds like a diesel really bad do i have reason for concern???


its like a diesel do they make a different noise to the 9a cams


it also sounds like a ratterly distributer on a 5 cylinder engine its hard to describe but thats the best i can do.


also if i give it the big one it does pink at high revs a little i think....


any ideas

many thanks liam

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When i did mine it also sounded like a diesel.......was because i didn't tighten the timing belt tensioner up correctly :bonk:

but sounded fine after that was sorted......so no it will sound the same.......you might be a tooth out?

all the answers are out there......the search is the place to go.........try these for a start




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in what way do you mean tighten the tentioner up i did it like i do al other tentioners :scratch:


well i know it not a tooth out and ahhh damit it goes sooo well as well


whats up with the tentioner then easypops ???


cheers for your help


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whats up with the tentioner then easypops ???


no idea really mate, i did mine then it sounded like a bag of nails.......so took it to the garage and they said timing belt was loose.....tensioner not tight/right.....picked it up next day and all was well...... :D

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hey flusted yeh i did indeed


ive narrowed it down now to the timing chain i have either put it on the opposite way or the right way and it needs to whear to the different cams but its gona take a loooooonng time so i may just get a new one....



btw they are fine what you supplyed and they do make a difference but also i sorted the running too it was the metering head the c is running sooo well atm im well chuffed :D


im hoping it will quiet down afther i do the chain


cheers liam

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well if its been wearing on on one way then its gona be noisy until it find its home.


huh what u mean ... oop caps orry?????



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capslock on computer :brickwall: I really dont think its the chain, i fitted the ABF cams in mine and didnt replace chain or made note which way it went on

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oh yeh lol durrr.


yeh i got me mate at work to listen and he dosent rely think it is either he seems to think combustion noise or start of big ends or little just wait to see if it gets worse but its only done 109 k so i shall just wait and see


whats the difference with abf cams then mate? i keep hearing about them im not clued up with all that technicality stuff :(


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ABF have more lift but less duration, ideal for supercharged or turbo. may be worth taking rockercover off and double checking that the capsd are on as numbered in correct order

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