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Saint Tricky

Wheel adaptor question?

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I'm looking at getting some Merc rims to fit on my 4x100 G60 but have been unable to find adaptors for the comversion.

Any ideas where I can find them?

Alternatively, I'm a CNC turner/miller so could manufacture my own. I have access to HE30 Aluminium billets but am worried this may not be strong enough to mount the wheels, does anyone know exactly what the material spec for these adaptors are? And more importantly where can I buy the bolts for mounting the adaptors?

Lots of questions and not very interesting ones I know, but your help is appreciated.



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Cheers Foster,

Bloody expensive but plausable.

I like the idea of getting some Merc rims to make my car a little different, all the usual suspects have been done a million times before.

But it may not be worth the hassle in the end.

Food for thought.

Cheers for the links.


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