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Blue Temp Sender disconnect.. cutting out?!

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Spent the last few hours searching but nothing exact..


Just finished doing the head gasket on my G60.. I've replaced all possible sensors in the process including the Blue Temp Sensor, but when I disconnect this to set the timing, the engine cuts out?! It didn't do this before with the older temp sensor that was apparently dodgy (checked by G-Werks).


I figured the revs should just dip and not cause the engine to stall. I went ahead and set the timing at 2500, with the BTS plugged in.. the engine still runs fine, if a little hotter than usual, which is why I'm concerned the timing is slightly out due to the BTS advancing the timing and giving my strobe light a false reading?!



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Pop your hand behind the throttle body to find the air screw, and wind it out a little, it should raise the tickover slightly :)


Set it to tick over at around 500rpm with bts disconnected iirc.



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It could be the timing is too far out to begin with causing it to cut out but if the intermediate shaft is timed correctly and the rotor arm is pointing at the notch on the dizzy at TDC it should be near enough...


Check for vac leaks and also check the ISV is working (should buzz with ignition on but engine not started) - if the ISV is not working then check the connections to this and also the switches on the throttle body are working and the cable is adjusted correctly.

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