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Help! VR6 won't start - Manchester - Now Fixed!

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Been on the forum for a while, used to have a 2.0 16v that I repaired as a write-off. then sold that and recently got myself a nice Corrado VR6 (been after one for aaagggeess):






Seems a shame this has to be my first post about it but here goes...


I was driving along last night and it just cut out on me! I coasted to a stop and tried restarting but no joy - it turned over fine but refused to actually start. In the end the AA came out and whilst he was trying to fix it it stopped turning over completely - all the electrics are fine but when you turned the key nothing at all happened.


He towed me home, and this morning it was trying to start again, but after a few tries has gone back to the key not doing anything again (although I don't think the battery is dead). I had a look through the forums and as it seems like a kind of intermittent problem when the key does nothing am I right in thinking this is probably the ignition switch being old and so wearing out and not working?


Also, regarding the not starting when the starter does turn - I've read it can sometimes be the fuel pump but this primes no problems at all and runs so that can't be it.


The ISV buzzes fine when the ignition is on, so where do I go to next? I've heard it could be the coil having packed up (it's a VR with the distributor cap) but unfortunately being at Uni in Manchester (and living in Kent normally) means I have no tools or anything to check for a spark etc.


Can anyone offer any advice on what to do/recommend a good mobile car electrician/come and help me out for beer/food/money?!


Any help would be great!





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I like the way you subscribed before posting a question - we might have to make that compulsary! :D


I reckon your battery is dead tbh, I'd get it on charge anyway - starting the car puts the most strain on it, have you got a multimeter?


Then, with the battery good the starter (if good) should crank then engine - the only things that would affect this is the ignition switch not working or an alarm / wiring issue - you can test this by looking for 12V with a meter at the plug that goes to the starter soleniod (thick red and black wire which comes from the ignition switch)


Probably worth getting an ignition switch anyway as it's a common point of failure and may well be the issue your having, you can test it without actually fitting by just plugging in and turning with a screwdriver (make sure the key is in and steering lock OFF before driving!)

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Thought it was only fair to subscribe if I was going to ask other people to take the time to reply :grin:. This forum has come up with answers before enough times to make it well worth it!


Haven't got a mulitmeter no, so probably time for a trip to Maplins! I'm pretty sure it's the ignition switch rather than the battery though, as the AA guy tried the booster pack last night when it was doing the same thing and it made no difference, and when it does work it does crank as it should.


Hopefully I can fix that problem easily enough - it's the failing to fire up when it does crank that's bothering me at the moment - what's the best way to test if the coil has packed in?



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Don't worry about the coil yet, get the batt on charge and get a new switch - may well fix it as mine went exactly the same way

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Ok I've just found out it's definately the ignition switch that was stopping it even cranking before. I've just 'hotwired' it using the guide on here and it tries to crank perfectly every time (had it jumped onto another car battery as well incase it was low) - but still won't fire up!


So one problem down (even if it is a temporary bodge), one to go...like I said being stuck in Manchester and not home means I'm seriously short of tools so can't take a plug out to check for spark - is there any other way of doing it? I tried taking the main coil lead off as per another post on here, but it doesn't seem long enough to actually reach any metal.

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Just an idea.. but is fuse no16 (15amp) ok?

Where in manchester are you as I don't live too far from there (lived in m/cr for 30 years though)

Does have fuel in it doesn't it???

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I've just checked fuse 16 - it was blown. Replaced it though and still the same thing, trying to start but no luck! There's fuel in it too, it's just above the red...


I'm living off Daisybank Road - sort of Longsight/Victoria Park end of the woods if you know it?



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Nope it didn't blow again after I replaced it, so don't know what was wrong there.


Fuel pump is definately working, I can hear it prime on ignition and run when the car is cranking - and there's a definate wiff of petrol under the bonnet when its been trying to start. Not sure how to check if the filter is blocked?

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The fuel filter is underneath the sill on drivers side towards the rear of car.

To test if it's blocked, undo the fuel pipe going towards the engine, then try starting the engine. Fuel should come out.

BEWARE!!! its under some pressure so no smoking etc, and don't try for too long as you will end up with fuel everywhere.

Also be careful of the vultures after any spilled fuel :lol:

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Well its fixed! One coil later and it's back working as it should :D . Can't explain how happy I am to hear that VR noise again 8) .


Big cheers to everyone that offered some advice, definately helped me narrow it all down! :notworthy:


Cheers again



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