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Handbrake light flashes during hard acceleration!

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Hi chaps,


Bit of an odd one this, I was behind a slow moving vehicle the other day and decided mashed the go-faster pedal to overtake them and I noticed that the handbrake light on the dashboard was flashing at me?! :?


Anyone got any ideas?!



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the trigger for that light is a little switch underneath the handbrake, so it sounds like the actual lever itself was wobbling when you booted it and caused the light to flash a little.

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As always Mr. BoostMonkey you are a feast of knowledge! How does a dumbass like myself stop this happening then? I take it, it means removing the big plastic thing that the handbrake lever 'sits' in?

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Can I presume the brake fluid level isnt that low so it rocks to a low point on acceleration?


Holy Shit! Wow, I've never have a fluid in need of topping up before on any car. I thought brake fluid is changed every 2 years during a service or something?!


Everything in Germany is closed tomorrow, so I'll have to wait till Monday. Its just above the minimum.


Do I just top it up? Or do I empty the entire thing and put new stuff in?!


What a loser...can't believe I missed this :camp:

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