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strange missfire from nowhere?! - all is well now

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jus had a nice game of footie after work, after i went off in the rado, got half way through my journey i remember changing from second up to third about 3500 rpm heard a little pop sound, nothing major (i thought it was my front engine mount as this is worn) clearly it wasnt. as i came to a stop at traffic lights the car was idling at about 700rpm (its usually a 1000rpm give or take 100) you could hear it misfiring. Pick up was a tiny bit sluggish but once you got moving it was ok. Stopped at the next junction and it idled ok for about 2 seconds then dipped back down to 700. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?


popped the bonnet when i got in, everything seemed to be in order other than the filter i have on the rocker cover, it had kinda popped off and a little bit of oil got out.


im stumped! help!!!

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thanks for all the fast replies :sleeping: :D lol. managed to sort it, woke up at 6 this morning to have a look.Firstly my isv connector had come off so i put that back on.drove fine for 5 mins then it was misfiring again! got to work and had a proper look - turns out that the vacuum line to the ecu had come off at the throttle body.The little screw clamp to hold it on doesnt go very tight though (probably why it came off). Does anyone know where i can get a replacment?halfords didnt have one small enough.


i tell you what, if you look in your rear view and see a cyclist jump out of his skin because he sees a flame come inches from his feet, check your ecu to throttle body vacuum line ( it was over fuelling like a mofo)

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