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Wierd Clutch related problem - advice/help needed.

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Hey guys,


I'm after some advice / help / similar issues stories regarding a wierd clutch related problem on my '95 VR6. I've had the following issue ever since buying the car but its getting gradually worse. The problem centres around my clutch pedal, initially it was in the form of the common 'clutch pedal stays down' issue which was resolved by changing the slave cylinder and also hydraulic hose (was buldged all over). Having recently also changed the clutch everything felt good again.


Originally i could tell when the clutch pedal was about to do its 'stay down' routine as it started to feel less and less solid and you'd get this 'multi-pedal movement' feeling through the clutch pedal. Sure enough next time i get in to drive the pedal would be down. Any way having changed the above, the clutch pedal hasn't stayed down once, so as far as i'm concerned this is sorted. The only thing is i'm still experiencing the 'multi-pedal movement' feeling on using the clutch.


We've bleed the system a good three times since changing the clutch, twice by hand and once via a pressured clutch bleeder at my bro's garage which after doing this it felt all good again. Does it need to be bled in more than one place? After a good few days commuting back comes the problem. Its a really wierd feeling which i can only describe as when you bring the clutch pedal back up and engage the new gear it feels like some one else has jumped on the brake slightly and the accelerater a little also.


My guess from reading other threads is the master cylinder is the cause of this issue, letting air into the system but i just wanted to hear from others before i splash out on a new part. Any help / advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Stu

(Apologies for essay.)

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AFAIK, you need to bleed the clutch master AND clutch slave cylinders. Which ones did you bleed before?


Also if you have ABS, you might need to bleed that too but it can be a PITA. Sure someone else will confirm though.

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AFAIK, you need to bleed the clutch master AND clutch slave cylinders. Which ones did you bleed before?


Also if you have ABS, you might need to bleed that too but it can be a PITA. Sure someone else will confirm though.


boost monkey is right, you have to bleed it at both the master and the slave.


but the clutch system is separate from the rest of the braking system - as long as the reservoir is topped up, (as both brakes and clutch go off the same reservoir as i'm sure you know) you shouldn't have any problems. if you've already changed the slave and the flexi hose going to it, then the only thing left really is the master.


have you wound the bleed nipples all the way out to check there's no crap in there preventing a decent seal when you tighten them up? - that's the only other thing i could think of...


oh, very doubtful, but is there any crap around the pivot on the pedal box - could possibly be responsible, but much less likely...

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