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2L 16v lost all power

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Hello guys


well a very good friend of mine bought a 2L 16v about month ago. pulled well etc.


anyhow in the last week gradually started to loss power to where it can bearly get to 40mph now


ive tried to search but cant find any specific to this.


we gave the car a ful service tonight and no change at all


any one has the same thing happen to theres?


think of binning the 2L 16v ecu system and put the 1.8 16v one

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Hi Alex.. weird one! Wondering if it could be fuelling - like the fuel filter being SUPER gunked up or the fuel pump on its last legs?

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well we where going to do fuel filter but gsf gave him the wrong one


as for fuel pump it sounds the same as any other k-jet is there a way of testing it? as it does start up first time

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Just had a quick flick through the Haynes for the Passat 16v hoping it might have some useful testing procedure but simply says to listen to see if you can hear the pump when turning the ignition on - and then the next step (if the supply of fuel is weak) replacing the filter! Not much use!


I guess it could be any number of things - have you checked all the intake pipework, etc for air leaks?


How does the car run like at full throttle - is it making all the right noises but just not going that quick, or does it run lumpy and not pull through the revs cleanly?

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it always has sligh lump idle but he bought it knowing it need a service


no does rev past 3000 rpm


seems to be running hotter than before


hopefully gettign it vagcomed tomorrow but not sure if you can vagcom k-jet cars?

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Sounds like the timing is WAY off - possibly a blocked fuel filter is choking the car big time!


I don't think you can get anything meaningful out of VAG-COM on the 9A. I'd definately get that fuel filter changed ASAP before doing anything else.

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The cat on mine was blocked and that caused a loss of power......put a bit of pipe right through it :D

Ran so much better when unblocked......it was so bad that you could hold the pipe on the back of the cat and not get burned

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Hm yeah - thats another good one that I have heard about happening in the past... worth a look if the fuel filter doesn't help!

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