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damn speedo!! help

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Easy folks! The speedo on my 1.8 16v is really startin annoy me it cant decide wether to be on or off. Will be workin fine and then all of a sudden just drop off to nothing and stay there have a bit of a rest and decided later to come on back into action. Ive checked the connections and contacts on the back of the instrument panel and the sender unit and they seem fine i.e. solid contact clean etc. Ive read in past posts to check the earth at the sender unit but as far as i can see there is only two wires coming out of it a blue/black and red/black?? When the speedo drops i can hear a clicking from around the relay switches in the cabin (or that area) does the speedo run through these or is this the spoiler up down at speed thingy (excuse the terminology im no electrician) its a pain in the arse cos my spoiler keeps coming up and down every 30 secs on the motorway. Anyone got any ideas!!! oh yeah and it nevers happens at the beggining of journeys only after 5 mins or so!!

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sounds like your speedo sender unit that goes into the gearbox is bug*ered cos i had the same problem and the needle just decided if it felt like working or not and then one day it stopped permanently so i replaced it and it was sorted! saying that i had my clutch replaced and the guys in the garage said they knocked it but said if it stops then they would sort it. so they did!


with the spoiler is it going up and down with the speedo or is it just randomly working even when the speedo isnt?

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nah spoilers fine when the speedos fine just drops back down if up when the speedo drops. so a new sender unit i figured after checkin it all yesterday that was prob the case dont supose its the cheapest part in the book either. Cheer alex

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