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People can be SO thick sometimes

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Wish i could say i was 100% happy today but i'm not :bad-words:

I drive for a builders merchant so my beloved C is parked all day in a builders yard.

Well....today some numb skull builder decided to use an angle grinder to cut up some re-inforcing bars so he could fit them in his van, and in doing so, said f*ck*ing moron has showered the drivers side of my C with shards of rusty metal.

He's ruined my drivers door window and the rear quarter light.

I shall be having a good look at the CCTV in the yard tomoz and then i'll be on the war path :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :censored:

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you should be able to clay it out



Mmmmm.....the shards are embedded in the glass and there are cracks around them...not sure that'll clay out...or am i wrong?

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Some twat did the same to my missus cars (not a VW ) sitill annoying!


Sadly the CCTV was facing the other way, think they were just too lazy too check TBH :mad2: :bad-words:

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Doubt they will, i was working on a building site a good fews years ago when the polish! labourer decided to cut up an alloy shop sign with a disc cutter! right next to the plumbers new van, same thing happened moulton metal embedded in the paint and the glass, needless to say we lost our international labourer after that little miss hap :wink:


think he had sore testicles and a greater understanding of english swear words as well :grin:

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you should be able to clay it out



Mmmmm.....the shards are embedded in the glass and there are cracks around them...not sure that'll clay out...or am i wrong?


No you won't, they all melt in... :(

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Have EXACTLY the same on my car. The swarf is red hot (sparks) and it melts the top layer of the glass and embeds itself. My rear window on driverside is peppered with swarf like that.


Mine happened when I cut up the moonlight blue on the drive and forgot that I had parked my car only meters away :pale: ah well. :shrug:

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I'd look at the paint too, any metal in it will soon start to rust and look plop. :(


I can do you a pair of windows. Tell him they're £100 for the pair, but we'll work out a proper price.... Lol.

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I have never seen the effect of sparks on paint, do they melt right in like they do in glass? They can sure make a mess of upvc window frames when some thoughtless tw*t points a Stihl saw in the wrong direction.

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I'd look at the paint too, any metal in it will soon start to rust and look plop. :(


I can do you a pair of windows. Tell him they're £100 for the pair, but we'll work out a proper price.... Lol.


None of the swarf stuck to any of my paint, just the window :cuckoo: But it was raining at the time, and wet cold steel is a lot harder than wet cold glass :salute:

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I have never seen the effect of sparks on paint, do they melt right in like they do in glass? They can sure make a mess of upvc window frames when some thoughtless tw*t points a Stihl saw in the wrong direction.


don't seem to melt in to metal, no.

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I'd look at the paint too, any metal in it will soon start to rust and look plop. :(


I can do you a pair of windows. Tell him they're £100 for the pair, but we'll work out a proper price.... Lol.


There doesn't appear to be any damage to the paint.

I've found out who it was now from the CCTV footage so i'll be paying him a visit in the next day or so seeing as he's not answering his mobile phone :mad2:

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If you've got CCTV mate then thats enough to prosecute for criminal damage or maybe go thru his car insurance?


I'm going to speak to our companies legal team on Monday.

Best i keep a cool head otherwise things could get out of hand (so to speak).

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Confronted the chap today and he was a complete arse about it....wants me to prove it was him after saying ...."so what do you want me to do about it" 3 times during the conversation.

Told him i have CCTV footage so he claims he coming back to look at that tomorrow.

My manager doesn't want to get involved because this chap is a good customer.

Think he expects me to roll over and take it up the backside to be honest.

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My dad's a groundworker, he was having his lunch one day, took a can of rice pudding but didnt have a tin opener so he used his disc cutter :lol: He's pretty handy with it. He's not stupid enough to do it near a nice car though :cuckoo:


I can slightly sympathise with you, your case is much worse as it was metal being cut up and has ruined your glass, but my dad cut some blocks up (just dust no shards of metal) near my garage once and the dust went under the door and all over my car and a lot of it embedded in the pain :bad-words: luckily mine could be clayed to get it out but still a pain in the arse!


Hope you get it sorted :)

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Surely your manager should back you up....?


One would like to think so....but unfortunately he's thicker than the builder....best i don't start going on about him :cuckoo:


Anyways....after watching the CCTV footage the builder now realises it was him but he is now trying to get out of paying by pleading with me the fact that he didn't do it on purpose :mad:


I'm really biting my lip here.

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So even more reason for him to offer to pay. :brickwall:


If someone were to have done it on purpose, then there would been a reason. He doesn't sound like the brightest person around!


Keep on at him.


Have a look at this if he doesn't pay... http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/info ... /index.htm




Because the builder spends a lot money at our branch he seems to think, in the case of the damage to my car, that he's a good customer and could always take his business elsewhere.

My manager is a saleman through and through and all he cares about is the branch sales figures and paying HIS mortgage every month.


Thank you for info on the claims link....i never realised it could be done online now.

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