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vr6 burning oil, water and stinks of fuel!

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my L reg vr6 has started to "not" start without my foot on the floor for 30 seconds, then it fires up usually not on all 6 cylinders! if i take it for a motorway run it seems ok after a while! it's going through oil and water and when i take the oil cap of it stinks of petrol, it puffs blue and black smoke, when it starts it's blue, stalls a lot, hunts for idle revs and has krap mpg, i have been told it's the headgasket, then i was told it's a fuel sensor and i've also been told it's the piston rings, any ideas what i can start to change to try and fix it? i've been quoted £350 to do the head rebuild and no idea the cost of sensors! it smokes when i change gear too..... please help i'm a little tight on budget, brains, patients and sense of humour!!

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Get a compression test done and a leakdown test first to try to diagnose the problem.


Generally a headgasket shows as white smoke. Oil burning causes blue smoke which could be down to the rings or valve stem seals (normally more prominent on start up and ease off when warmed up). Using loads of water can signify the headgasket but could also be due to a leak. You may have a combination of any of the above.

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without reading your post i said piston rings oil getting past to be burnt and air fuel mixture getting past under compression into the sump , after reading it ,it looks like that one of your answers as well , try and get a garage to do a cylinder leakage test , which is briefly where they pressurize the clylinders in turn with compressed air via a fitting screwed into the plug hole with the piston at tdc car in gear to prevent the engine spinning you check for pressure drop and if so where the air is excaping from bubbles in the header tank means head gasket air rushing when you remove the oil filler cap normaly means rings this test could tell you which clylinders are worn so you could just rebuild whats needed





EDIT I type too slow

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update! i changed the throtle position sensor, the water temp sensor and rad sensor (the 3 in a row above the crank sensor) and fitted a new fuel pump, but the battery is too flat to start to see if that fixed it, the aa guy also said it is leaking oil from the sump plug so i need a hellicoil! so new sump needed then im probably going to get it serviced at my local vw dealer, dont need any new parts, done plugs leads filters etc, but just for idle and mixtures etc! cheers for your help so far guys!

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