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starting problems on vr

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i'm having problems with my 95 vr. it seems i always need to crank the key twice before the car will start. on first turn it gets half way there then cuts out, then on the second turn it takes a while then finally comes to life.


does this sound familiar to anyone? any ideas whats causing this? would apreciate any help.




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I have got a similar problem on my VR except it's temperemental.

Most days it's absolutely fine but sometimes when i turn the key first time it doesn't start so i leave it for a second, try again and it starts as usual.


I don't know what the problem is.

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OK Stupid question of the day: If you change the ignition switch does that mean a new ignition key?



No. If you changed the barrell, yes. But not the ignition switch. From what i understand when you put the key in the barrell only the tip of the key goes into the ig switch to turn it.

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Cool, thick moment over now.


Intermitantly my VR will turn over and fire then cut straight out, it will do this until I catch the revs with the throttle but if I put my foot on the throttle whilst turning her over she still stalls, have to let her fire then catch the revs? :scratch:



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ok thanks guys got new switch,


have had a look at where it goes, do i have to disconnect anything before i take it out? (apart from the plug that goes into it)



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ok thanks guys got new switch,


have had a look at where it goes, do i have to disconnect anything before i take it out? (apart from the plug that goes into it)



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nah thats it just the one plug. Oh and the little screw but as i said, bend a small srew driver to get to the screw, which means laying upside down so you can see the screw :lol:. But if like me you tried that and had no luck i just smashed the old one out and new one in (without replacing the screw) and then cable tied it in place.


Good luck.

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thanks for your help critical :notworthy: . used a bent screwdriver to reach the screw tapped it couple of times and it just fell out along with the switch?!


like you said couldn't be bothered to put it back in so just put a cable tie around it and way presto! no more issuses.


theres nothing worse than getting into a phat ride and then looking like a complete twat trying to get it going! :mad2:

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Well done. Thanks for letting us know.

please put up a photo of the screw driver you used next to a measuring tape.


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Glad to hear you got it sorted, looks like I'm going down to my local stealership tomorrow to get one.


Fingers crossed it works for me!



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i think i got lucky with mine cos like i said i just jigged the screw a bit and the whole thing jst fell out. obviously the person who put it in didn't fasten properly cos i it was already loose.


have to say it does start first time now but it cranks for a good few seconds before it comes to life, is this normal?


its also easier if you unclip all the wires to give you space to get your hand in there.


good luck with yours james (you are by the way going to get a creak in your neck after this though) :wink:

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