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Few Prolems!!!!!

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Evening People,


Not been on here posting stuff for a year or so cos the Corrado has been behaving her self for the last wee while!!! Hope your all well!!


Anyway to the important stuff:


The Corrado has been getting noisier over the last wee while, not sure if I

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THe only thing i can help you with mate is how tight to have the hub nut. I learnt off a guide on how to do the bearings and it said on there to tighted the nut up finger tight, then using a wrench to tighen it up a tad more. It said to only use the weight of you hand on the wrench.

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heater controls are a common fail

front wheel bearings should not have failed that quick even with binding brakes (unless they have been binding a long time)as this will stuff the grease up in the bearings

rear bearing as already said should be hand tight at the nut and just a tiny tweek more but only slightly

squeeky brakes could be just a hard spot in the pads (did you bed them in when new)

hope this helps a little.

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Cheers for the help People!!!


Thats what i thought about the bearings, they shouldnt go that quickly!! The brakes were only binding on for a small journey then i replaced the calipers!!


Quick question on the brakes tho, when you say 'bed the brakes in' what does this mean? Didnt think i would need to worry about something like that as i renewed the pads and discs - all round!!


Cheers again.

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