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What does this idle issue mean? New problems!

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Quick update time, with some new problems, so I was hoping for some more suggestions from you very kind people :)


Here is a quick summary so far:


- Purchased the car in May, perfect sounding engine, no idle problems, sounded like new

- Engine cut out at a junction on my way home a few months later, would start but would die after a few seconds.

- Went to a mechanic who told me that it was the fuel distributor, actually came back from him a complete non starter

- Replacement fuel distributor fitted (2nd hand), started again but back to square one (cutting out straight after starting)

- Local Tune-Up mechanic adjusted the mixture and idle speed. Would start and run (lumpy) but cut out under any load

- ISV cleaned with carb cleaner, new injectors fitted and replacement air intakes put on to cure an air leak

- Car starts, idles (very lumpy and smells rich) and will actually drive

- *BUT* after 10-15 mins (when warm) the idle starts to fluctuate and unless you keep some throttle on the car stalls


While everyones been great so far and the car has definitely improved I'm hoping someone might have some new ideas on how to get it over this next hurdle.


Some research on the forums have suggested that:


1) It could still have an air leak which I haven't found

2) The manifold gasket(s) could have gone - the gaps expand when warm and the air fuel mix gets messed up

3) Someone had a similar problem with a VR6 (lumpy idle and cutting out once warm) and a new coil solved it

4) Temperature senders could be passing the wrong info to the ISV


I've ordered some new temperature senders and a replacement coil which should be delivered tomorrow. In the mean time is there anything else I should be considering? It was great to be back behind the wheel of the car, but not so good sitting by the side of the road on the test run waiting for it to cool down :(

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Right, a few things tried this weekend ..So .. any more ideas before I get fed up with it and send it to the scrappers ? :)


Have you checked the wiring for the alarm/immobiliser?

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I have just looked closely at the picture of the throttle. The idle adjustment screw seems too far out. Screw it in all the way and check.

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