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Custom fob designs

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The first custom design comes from the UK


rado-steve supplied some artwork:




Here's the design proof:




By the way, yes that is my V1 Corrado fob. It was the very first one off the laser and it has been polished. 8)

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Sweet! That design is possible then???


Can we add a piece on for the ring to go through???


So what are the next steps to get some produced?





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Where would you like to see the ring hole? Which end?


Let me know where and how many you want to run. I will repost the fob sketch with the ring hole placed as you describe.



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Went to work at 4:15 this morning. Took 20 for lunch and left at 7:30 this evening. I had a spare minute before walking out the door and I wanted to see how it would look!




Sweet, but a little large and we nned to find a hole placement for a ring.



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Paul that is the Dogs Pods :)


Will get a re-design with a key-ring hole sorted ASAP!!! Was thinking either this:




or this:




Sorry about the poor quality, I only have MS paint on my PC at home :(

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Andy & Steve,


Something like these for the ring hole:




The ones on the right are scaled down 25% and I think they'd be more comfortable in a pocket or hand.


Personally, I'd go for the bottom right myself, but I leave it up to you...


Let me know.

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I have been playing around with another design that would be pretty intricate, but very cool.


Check out the preliminary layout:





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Thanks Nick!


Here are a couple of others I have been toying with while I'm already here and online:


A tweaked VW



A tweaked Audi ring set & normal Audi ring set



The second ring set down is a straight on shot of the tweaked angles. Pretty fun stuff!

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I will probably add the graphic as a keystroke in my font as well.


I'll post one up as soon as I try cutting one and work out any issues it may have.



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I've even thought of cutting fome fob's that have the shank of the vw keys on them and seeing if I can get a locksmith to grind the proper grooves in them for totally custom keys.


Any ideas or feedback on that one?

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Those designs are the dogs danglies, how many of a certain design do you need to make up for it to be worth while/cost effective?

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Twenty is probably the lowest number I would run of any given design.


I am thinking of prototyping the car one in the morning if I get a chance. :D

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Fantastic idea. I like the one with the car design. Could you include the word Corrado under the car?


I'd be interested to know what sort of cost you'd be looking at. May be interested in 2.


(4.15 - 7.30!!! thats a hellova days work fella!!!)

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My appologies,


I didn't even get out of bet until 5 minutes ago. This burning the candle at both ends finally knocked me down hard yesterday. :pale:


I will see if prototyping the car one is possible this evening if my body comes back around.


I don't know how the corrado under the car will turn out. I can lay it out and see.


I like small fobs. The bigger they get, they still look cool, but I am far less likely to actually use them.


I am going to grab a shower.

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Bloody hell Paul! Do you work for yourself??? If not your boss needs to employ some help!!!!


I have PM'd you about the S5 Logo!





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Steve and Andi,


Here's a prelim of the actual fobs:




They are a far better fit in the hand.


Let me know what you think!



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Ran a couple of other prototypes tonight as well...








The corrado one still has lines that are too thin for that size. I will still play with them. :D

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Paul, the S5 logo ones look sweet! Lets run with that!


I'll PM you also!


BTW those 2 Audi Rings are proper sweet! If you can add a small ring loop onto them I think it might be better! Also that Corrado one is the bollox too!

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