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Jim Hughes

Can't get a decent peddle

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Hello, After replacing the front calipers on my J plate 16v corrado I have been unable to get a consistent firm peddle.I have tried bleeding the system on numerous occasions but no luck, sometimes it is ok - then the peddle will go straight to the floor with the car veering slightly to the right with vague braking at the wheels. I have asked at my local part supplier who supplied the parts and they suggest it could be the load sensor, I straight away checked this and found the spring which conects this to the trailing arm had come adrift, I reconected it hoping this would have fixed the problem but no.I am now thinking that the seals in the Master Cylinder could have failed whilst I have been bleeding the system, but I am clutching at straws, and after spending a small fortune on the car lately I could do with some welcome advice. Thanks in advance. :scratch:

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Could be master or slave but both worth changing tbh can you see any fluid leaking from either? If one is gone the other will probably not be far behind, but get it done as the last thing you need is dodgy brakes!!

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No evidence of fluid loss at all, once the pedal goes to the floor-if you pump it a couple of times it comes back solid.

After bleeding the system on numerous occasions, I have felt that I have fixed it as the pedal has been strong.

Only to get a few miles down the road and it goes to the floor :eek:

I have only had a master cylinder fail once and that was on my Mk 1 Scirocco, That too was after major brake surgery.

but the result was no pedal at all- and fluid everywhere.

Can anyone provide me with a link for master/slave replacement? and rough idea of cost? :(

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have you checked the brake servo vacuum line?


also when you say there's no fluid leaking anywhere have you checked all the cylinders, reservoir and the caliper pistons? The slightest deviation in system pressure will display as a soft pedal.

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Brake servo vacuum line? boost monkey ignore my total ignorance, I have not got a clue what this is :scratch:

I have just checked the fluid resovoir and it is at the same place as two weeks ago- the last time I bled it.

I have had the car for 10 years and now it is failing, you see i only use it now-and- again, maybe this is the problem!

But brakes, I mean it ain't Rocket Science......

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How are you bleeding it??

bled the front calipers- ' Gravity' ie just 'backed of the nipples and watched the fluid till it was without bubbles', then did the furthest away from the master cylinder with my helper; 'pumping the pedal then holding it down whilst I cracked the nipple.then tighten the nipple and repeat the process. I went out for a brief drive this evening in the car: and -it- was shear- bloody -scary -for the first few miles.Then I realised if i applied the brakes; ' sharply' - instant jab A sure pedal was their..... a slow pedal application resulted in very little feedback and the faint veer to the right. I am going to buy one of them; ' pressurised bleed kits' from Halfords this weekend, I think for the price of £15 it will be worth while as I might be changing the master cylinder next! any advice would be truly welcome.


PS. I have not bled the brake system since I reconnected the load sensor.

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PS. I have not bled the brake system since I reconnected the load sensor.


^ surely thats your problem? It really needs to be pressure bled with the valve clamped open...

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PS. I have not bled the brake system since I reconnected the load sensor.


^ surely thats your problem? It really needs to be pressure bled with the valve clamped open...

I know I have mentioned this as a: ' sensor' but I believe you describe as the valve.

When you say valve clamped open, how do I do this?

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get an easy bleed kit connects to spare tyre is the dogs danglys i thought my master cylinder had gone bought this and bled my whole system in under an hour now have nice firm pedal plus the kit is cheap cost me like 6 squid on flea bay.

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