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poker kid

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Hi hust wondered if anyone could help me out.


Recently i left my radio on in my carrado 1.8 16v and flatened the battery. i jump started it of my dads car and dorve about 3 miles befor stopping and turning the engine off. Got back in the car after a while and it woulnt start thinking that i hadnt gave the battery enough charge i rang my dad who came to jump start it again. Put the leads to the battery and nothing happend. No turn over at all nothing. A couple of weeks before i had heard a wining noise coming from the rear of the car when starting the car up. Dont no if this has anything to do with it as im no mechanic. My first instict is that it is the starter motor but other people have said it could be the alternator. My dads mate is coming to have a look at it but just wondered if anyone had an idea



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3 miles? I thought to give the battery time to charge you needed to drive it for at least 30 minutes .. but that doesn't explain why it doesn't start at all now.


The only thing that I can think of near the rear of the car that could whine would be the fuel pump.

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I've always thought that you need to run the car for at least 20 mins or drive 10 miles to replace the energy drained just in starting the vehicle.


The alternator would not have had a chance to charge the battery in 3 miles even if it had had enough to start the C in the first place.


The starter could be the problem, or the ignition switch? I agree with Jay23sx that the whine you heard is probably just the fuel pump priming the lines as normal before the engine turns over.

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If a battery is completely discharged, it won't try and turn the engine on jump leads until it's been sat hooked up for 5-10 minutes. I assume the flat battery tries to recharge itself first (to put it simply - it's something to do this the changing internal resistance of a flat battery).


Your 3 mile run has probably discharged the battery too much. Get it on a charger overnight, or take your car on a 30 mile drive to recharge it from the alternator.


The whining from the rear can only be the fuel pump as the previous posts say.

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Thanx guys


Yea i now i should have taken it on a longer drive to charge it i just had one of those moments when a maccies was in order and i forgot all about charghing the battery. im going to charge the battery over night and see if this works.

Thanx for the suggestions anyway

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i just had one of those moments when a maccies was in order


get out :|


seriously though, glad it's working again. keep an eye on your fuel pump, if the whining gets a lot louder then it could well be on its last legs and will leave you stranded if it packs up.

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