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Hesitating issue

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I get this hesitation/jolting which comes with a dull knocking sound from the rear - fuel tank side. Its not a nice feeling as the car rocks back and forth. When I look at my tach it nearly always reads little over 2,000 revs, regardless what gear. The exception is in first where it happens at less revs.


Kinda feels as though fuel flow is interupted but I'm only guessing and its weird that its usually at about 2100 revs. Whats also weird is that sometimes there are no symptoms at all, but if they're present they're frequent. Recently I pulled over and restarted the car which seemed to get rid of the issue temporarily.


The car has an immobiliser that needs to be de activated once the key is turned.


I really hope this isn't having spin off effect of doing some other damage. Any one chiming in with similar experience would be great.





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