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Quickie: Do I have a lambda probe

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Hello Everyone, long time no type.


Quick question for you .. I was under the impression that my 1.8 KR (on an H plate) didn't have a Lambda probe as it's non-cat. However I've just been reading the Bosch Gasoline Fuel-Injection System K-Jetronic Technical Instruction book (snappy title isn't it) and it would have me believe that I do.


Just wondered if this is something else I should be taking into account with my idle problems.


This is the extract from the Bosch manual:


Open-loop control of the air-fuel ratio is not adequate for observing extremely low exhaust-gas limit values. The lambda

closed-loop control system required for operation of a three-way catalytic converter necessitates the use of an electronic

control unit on the K-Jetronic. The important input variable for this control unit is the signal supplied by the lambda sensor.

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The book seems to suggest that the metering head alone wasn't good enough to meet emission limits hence the probe. But I was also of the opinion that the KR didn't have one.


I did double check the manual was definitely for the KR system (and not any variations) but as it's the generic Bosch manual perhaps some other manufacturers did have lambda probes.

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99.9992% sure they don't. Mine hasn't as was the case with my Mk2 16v. With regards to the head not being good enough to meet emissions, that will be for another country with stricter laws most likely.

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Cheers everyone .. at least my original thoughts were confirmed :)


The manual was still good reading on the basic points of the KR system, especially for someone who knows nothing like me !

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