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stu sleeper 20vt

G60 diagnosing power loss,help please.

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hi fellow corrado owners..

well beside the sunroof,both door handles until now its never actually been serious :censored:

fires up fine,then above tickover feels like is straining,then at wot simply dies.

so,i went round the easy things,pipework etc,nothing.

after much searching and reading i whip off the charger(or infact take half a day of effin and jeffin)

after splitting it i find one of the strips had come loose and is rattling around in the charger.it fitted back in perfectly.i just hope this is the problem and they hadn't fallen out as i was gently tapping the halves. :lol:


now i have the experiance,without snow outside(today) its an hour or so to refit/undo again.

is it worth refitting(it was serviced end 06 at jabba) and all the bearings are sound.

or could anyone point me in the direction of just buying the new strips and springs so i can have piece of mind.

oh,while i'm on,anyone got any door handles.....he he.the old ones have had the fix,now they seem to have actually snapped>!

and should i get out my dremmel on those ports?is it that simple? ha ha

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