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oil leak issue..wtf ..

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After fixing the other faults on my car I had a oil leak appear a while ago, so I only bin using the motor if I need it, and checking the oil litteraly during and after journeys..havnt driven for 3 weeks now... seemed to be leaking from the headgasket but this made no sence, so got a new cam seal and a new rocker cover gasket (victor reinz, seem better made then the elring stuff)


Changed the rocker gasket first to see how it went, and we found its actually leaking oil from what seems to be a plug in the cylinder head, just behind the pulley, just at idle, no coolent in the engine yet; so literally only started the engine for a matter of seconds and can see oil dribbling out pictures are attached.


Now we are unsure how to continue on, can this just be knocked out and a new plug tapped in with cylinder head still in situe, or does this mean new cylinder head.


How the hell is it leaking from here is this is a symptom of an underlying issue?, and has anyone had this problem before?









pictures were taken with the engine off, but it is most definatly leaking from here as we could see bubbles and oil dribbling, and if looking carefully you can see where the oil has leaked.


so in conclusion...we are confused :dntkno:

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is that a oil rail drilling? looks like the dowl has started to come out...very odd,i would not try and knock it back in as its loose and might just pop out and you will have no oil in a matter of seconds!


Can you not get it out,tap some threads in and lock tight in a grub screw of some sort?

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i thought of taking it out and tapping a thread and using a bolt...then realised thats major bodge so hell no..practically everything has been replaced on this engine already...


i went out and got me a bentley manual ...and that doesnt show it...


so im going to pop down to VW and see if the dowel/plug whatever is availalble...but since mines leaking isit any point of getting another one the same size?


lastly...i mite just get sumone to run a weld round it..., make sure it dont leak.

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ok, if anyone has this issue ever..i had a look at my gti8v and spare g60 head, see that dowel thing, its not suposed to stick out, when the head was skimmed and rebuilt they didnt push it in far enough, it should sit flush, if not recessed into the head.


tapped it in and jobs a goodun :D

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