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vw corrado storm king


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Gents please help


1st Got a 1995 vw corrado storm and have been having a small problem with the rear brakes (i hope small) when i accel hard and spin the front wheel in fisrt and sometime second the rear wheels lock and wont unlock till it comes to a stand still.


2nd Seems to lack alot of power but no fault codes ????


3rd Had a few starting problems the other day too start it first thing in the morning and fires up ok but won't idle cuts out straight away

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"rear wheels lock" .. huh? The back brakes are pathetic at best, so I doubt this is anything to do with the ABS. Might have a problem with the rear brake load compensator valve (the front will lift quite high during silly acceleration) but I'd be surprised...


Lacking a lot of power but no error codes .. fuel filter/pump? Is it pinking? How's the MPG?


The cuts-out-straight-away is typical of the factory immobiliser. Use the search luke .. ! ;)

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