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G60 lambda wiring testing

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I had a problem a while ago and basically the exhaust melted through some of the lambda wiring and blew the fuse. So I replaced the fuse and the lambda sensor but i'm not sure if I have the wires for the sensor the right way round, (it melted some of the wiring around the connector so I had to get creative) If anyone can check theirs that would be helpful, it's the 4 pin type connector with one connector for earth with a ring terminal on.


Just need to know what wire goes where on the lambda side of the connector and on the ECU side too.


Also how would I go about testing the rest of the lambda circuit as I want to make sure that there are no more breaks in the wiring.


Thanks in advance.

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Purple on your car loom is the signal, earth one is pretty obvious, and the two heater wires are white...these can go either way round.



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It that the right way round as if you were viewing from the RH side of the car, closest is the purple wire signal, second one is earth and the furthest two are the heater?

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