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Ticking/Rattle after new engine mounts + oil change etc

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I have put a VT front mount in, Golf Diesel gearbox mount and the other is OE, feels alot nicer, my old ones were obviously shot to pieces!


But, now i have an annoying ticking/rattle that sounds like its coming from the timing belt casing.


I've also replaced the Rocker cover gasket, and gave it an oil change, same 10W40 in there, at first i thought it sounded 'tappety' but i'm pretty sure its not that.


Any ideas?


Could it be the tensioner on my timing belt as now my engine has probably lifted up a bit?


I've got a 1200 mile road trip next week and i'm worried about it, so any help much appreciated :)



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Hi. Buy a mechanics stethascope... I find them great for isolating strange noises.

I have a 92 G60 with a bad knock.... Used my stethascope on it and I now know that I have conrod bearing problems without taking the engine apart. :( eBay sell them for like £3

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I've been putting my ear on the end of a long screwdriver actually, everything sounds good apart from around the cam belt casing.

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Try listening to the mounting bolt that holds the tensioner on.

Done the tappets two months back, and fitted a new GSF tensioner..... After 5 weeks running the thing sounded like it was going to explode. Fitted a VW tensioner today and the noise is gone! :gag: Guess what I'm saying is it's always best to opt for the genuine article.

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Hi Matt, these engines don't like being run upside down mate! :)


I was going to suggest it might just be gearbox whine transmitted into the cabin from the solid mount (you will get a bit) but as you think it's from the timing belt area then yeah I'd be worried and I wouldn't drive it until sorted!


Think carefully - you didn't loose any nuts / bolts / washers etc when doing the cam cover??


Have a look at the inside of the belt cover for any signs of orange (rust coloured) swarf from the bearing in the tensioner giving up...


The tensioner is eccentric (for tension adjustment) but it should NOT look like it moves about when going round (hopefully you see what I mean) - have a good look at this and change it anyway if in doubt.


As above - use a genuine one always and if it had started to go, bare in mind the the timing belt life will be shortened - change this too if it's gone shiney / cracked from running on a worn tensioner.


Crank bolt worth a check too!


I'm happy to pop over and have a look for you for a bit of petrol (well, aviation fuel) money :lol:

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Steve, thanks for that.


Just took the belt cover off, no signs of swarf/orange etc, doesn't move at all.


Its hard to say where its coming from now, the other night i could of sworn it was coming from there.


I now think its coming from around the alternator/charger belts, and maybe getting noisier as i listen from underneath the car.


Possible water pump? Do they make a noise when giving up?


If not from that area, maybe the sump?


Hard to explain or pin point as to whether its a rattle due to stiffening everything up (which seems to make more sense)


Just the way it goes in time with the revs makes me think otherwise.


Any more ideas?


Cheers guys.

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Wow, you did well to narrow it down: A rattle after installing a VT mount could have been so many things! My money was on something very obscure deep in the belly of the dashboard. Those mounts really don't like cabins...

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Hi Matt


I had a similar experience before my power steering pump failed.


For days i was trying to find the source of a ticking sound. I was convinced that it was the alternator until the pump failed.


Hope this helps dude.

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