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Ice White Socks

Cooling fans on all the time!

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Took VR out for a spin today- strange noise started coming from the engine- got home and it seems the fans have started running all the time! All the temps seem fine- no evidence its overheated or anything- fans come straight on with the ignitions.


Had a quick search but couldn't find anything- I guess/hope its just a sensor- any ideas which one?




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Took mine to C&R in Nottingham a while ago and it did the same thing, Steve said it was the switch sticking in the black box, fuse type thingy, dont know what you call it, but its mounted in the top of the engine bay on the right hand side near the washer bottle. Dont mean to frighten you but he said if it sticks and runs too long it can be a fire hazard. He just disconnected it then reconnected, it hasn't done it since :shrug:

Mine didnt stop running when the ignition was switched off, hope this helps

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Sorted this out if it helps anyone in the future- dead simple- it was the black temp switch (or the one with the black plug). Basically it thought the engine was much hotter than it was and so started the stage 3 fans.


Simple check was just to unplug it and the fans stopped! New switch on the way. :D

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