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Part number for Dipstick plug holder thing?

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Hey Guys,


Last week while I was all excited about getting my car back I decided to whip the charger off and change the small belt :) needless to say this being a Corrado it ment fighting rounded off cap head bolts and trying to jam my hands into tiny gaps with skin shredding results. Anyway long story short I had to put it all back together again without changing the belt as I couldnt get the :censored: sliencer off the end of the charger and I didnt want to break it not having a replacement, so in the process of putting it back together I managed to snap the plastic dipstick holder tube while moving one of the boost tubes out of the way. :(


so I need a new one, anyone got the part number for one of these on a 92 G60 please? As I will have to go to my local Dutch VW dealer and I am assuming they will be just as bad as the UK parts guys....





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