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Buying on german ebay... how bad is postage?

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I will hopefully be winning some heavy weight items from german ebay soon :norty: but they're big hunking chunky bits of metal including brakes discs and callipers hubs and suspension bits (not the stuts) has anyone bought this type o thing off german ebay before and could give me an idea what it might cost? (all in one box)

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RM will tell you a rough international price for delivery based on weight, try it out on their website. UK to Bosch should give you a rough figure for how much the krauts may charge.

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I bought a load of stuff recentley, fairly large items but not heavy, bloke decided to charge me 70 euros for it all. Don't think it would have been close to that for the delivery but its down to how much they want to rip you off for.

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Don't forget international money transfer charges. In my experience many germans prefer this method to using paypal. The last time I bought something from Germany I think I paid £14 to my bank to send the money. Makes you wonder how they (the banks) managed to get into the state they're in now when they're robbing you like that... :roll:

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