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g60 leak, help!!

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hi,i have noticed that i have a leak in the drivers foot well just underneath the clucth pedel! Could this be the slave cylinder or master cylinder or somethink else?? Could anyone give me some advice please? thanks james..

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doubt it will be slave or master cylinder.Its not brake fluid under there is it? get you head down there and have a whiff, if its kinds sweet smelling odds are its coolant and your matrix is leaking

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Could be the master - seem to have a few people have had to change these this year, getting pretty old now if still on the original!

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thanks for the advice guys! also a few weeks before the fluid level for the brakes and clutch had gone low,because i couldn't get any gears! me and the old man both didn't realise that the brake and the clutch fluid are together,when i topped it up the pedel went back to normal,and i could get gears again,thats when i noticed the leak on the floor!!

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