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Engine mount gone? But which one?

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Think my engine mount has dies, but which one is it most likely to be? It clunks if u pull away hard, or change gear quickly and kinda dump the clutch?


Its been getting worse for a while now, but i can actually make it do it now on purpose?


Just wondered which one its more likely to be? the cars about 150k and its a VR6 btw :-)

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The most common one is the front one, but the only way to tell really is to take a look.


The standard rear ones on a VR are viscous (oil-filled) so if they're dead, they'll be covered in oily goo.

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ok, well its not rear then, as i was poking about in the engine bay earlier, and there are no signs of oil anywhwere, not even a drop. How can i tell if front one's gone? will it just be split? how much are these to replace, and is gen vw better than say, gsf etc? or should i go solid??

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It'll be spilt and if you grab the engine and rock it about you'll see it moving. The engine should be pretty firmly held in place.


If it were me, I'd go with either a VAG or Vibratechs one. They're not cheap though - the VAG one is around £75 and VT ones are £120ish I think.


You can get what appear to be the same ones from GSF, but the rubber's not as stiff, so they don't hold the engine as well.


I'd strongly suggest you don't get a solid one (not even sure if anybody makes them for VRs) as it puts lots of extra load onto the subframe and you're likely to damage that instead of the rubber mount!

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it may be that your starter motor bracket is about to break. It happened to me and destroyed my bonnet :(

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