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Help- Fuel consumption problem

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Fuel consumption problem, sorry if i putting in wrong forum arena. My main problem is that on my board computer Fuel consumption doesn't work there always 0.0 now can somebody tell me the princip of that system, how it work so i can star from someware. What is my first step. My corrado is original 94 year produced vr6 model. If i need to put some other information please let me know...Sorry for some English mistakes :)


Manny thanks


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Sorry I can't specifically help but I know if you use advanced search and look for:




+vr* +mpg +mfa


Looking only in Engine Bay forum and returning threads rather than posts, it will give you quite a bit to read through.


I know that a reading of 99.9mpg is quite common but not so sure about zero!

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First thanks for answer a lot, lots of people tell me about some vacum pipe that come in tacho clock bu imy vr is 94year model and at the back of tacho clock there isn't place to put "vacum pipe" i am pictured some pictures , where they lead me....at the end of pictures i came to dead end of vacum like you see on pictures where it is going next, can anybody pictures how it must looks like and where it goes. And is there any sensor that menage fuel consumption on late corrado models.

Here are the photos from where it goes till it ends (vacum pipe)


Any help is welcome :)













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The VR doesn't have a vacuum pipe - it's a purple wire into the back of your instrument cluster that you need to find. But, if it's missing, the MPG usually reads 99.9 rather than no reading at all or zero.

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Aha there is purple wire that i need to conect to the back of instrument cluster, is that wire has some jack to plug in or i plug naked wire, is there some pictures of it. On pictures that i posted where lead vacum pipe that is closed with screw in my case :-)...and one stupid question where can i find it, down in back or instrument table or else???


mate thanks for give me first clue to my mystery...

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Here are some photos what i get on MFA screen in both case...






Is this a purple wire that you talk about this purple-white that you can see on pictures? And what should i do with her?











Please help me :wave:

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