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Speed cameras on Dartford Bridge

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Just got informed of new average speed cameras on the QE2 bridge at Dartford and the 50 mph lead-up to it where very few people stick to the limit > cough!


I thought people might like to know about it CLICKY! They already have them the other side.

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How new are these? I gotta a feeling I might have gone too fast through there on Wed :(

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Had Specs on N/bound for a while now, they just never took the ones from all the roadworks down...


Would be interested too as to when they went in (planning permission required?) because if it was 2/3 weeks ago a Certain Rado and a 1-series have probably been caught! :brickwall:

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This is the e-mail I got today,


During last week, there were SPECS (average speed) cameras erected on the QE2 "Dartford" Bridge in Essex/Kent.


They start just before the bridge and end before the tolls at the end.


If you have driven by and not seen them last week, it's because they are mounted on a road gantry rather than on the normal

yellow or blue poles.


Pictures here: http://btst.co.uk/QE2BridgeCameras/ (from 2 different spotters so that we got all the cameras)


Often there is a big delay between the cameras being put up and actually going live,


but our source tells us they are going live this week. 4/5/09


The SPECS area on the other side of the road is also being extended but we understand that the extra cameras haven't

been cabled in yet.



There are also cameras in the Dartford tunnel (kent into essex)so be careful.




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they don't need planning permission for speed camera's. I've already tried that one, because its the government they can literally do whatever the fcuk they want. and they say this country is a democracy :bad-words:

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I'm off to Kensington to pinch some "D" plates...


I will trump your democracy with Diplomatic Immunity! :fist:



This is what the 50% rise in using the crossing is paying for then?

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I'm off to Kensington to pinch some "D" plates...


I will trump your democracy with Diplomatic Immunity! :fist:



This is what the 50% rise in using the crossing is paying for then?


No, they will pay for themselves. Oh wait, hang on, the government doesn't actually put any of the money earned from speed cameras back onto the roads, as that's the council's obligation.


D plates? CD plates surely? (corps diplomatique!)

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I'm off to Kensington to pinch some "D" plates...


I will trump your democracy with Diplomatic Immunity! :fist:



This is what the 50% rise in using the crossing is paying for then?


No, they will pay for themselves. Oh wait, hang on, the government doesn't actually put any of the money earned from speed cameras back onto the roads, as that's the council's obligation.


D plates? CD plates surely? (corps diplomatique!)



D plates not like the "Scene" D plates but those nice plates that are 3 numbers, the letter D and 3 numbers....


the ones that mean "Drive how you like you are completely immune from prosecution!" :censored:

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Thanks for info, quite useful, since I have to travel down that way quite often for business.


There is absolutely no need for a 50 mph speed limit on that stretch.


As a matter of fact, if they finally got rid opf the toll altogether, there wouldn´t be any need for speed limits (caused by hold-ups at the tollbooths) in the first place, let alone for silly SPECS.


I would have thought that the crossing would have hit its break-even point by now, but guess the government is now just plain greedy.



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