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Corrado Club National Day 2003 Mag Feature?

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When I was at the National Day this year I was told the pic's from the day were going to make a mag. Anyone hear anything about that? Apparently the Club had fallen out with Performance VW or something, so were going to take the pic's to Golf Magazine for a feature. I check the Mag's every time I'm in a newsagents etc & still haven't seen anything.


Anyone know anything? Are they are going to be shown at all?





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Thats the first ive heard of that


I know that PVW have never been nice to CCGB and that The Golf has shown more interest in the club plus speaking to both I would choice The Golf over PVW anyday

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Alex I'm with you on that my friend...


Having had working relationships with both I would say that the PVW are only out to sell a mag and aren't enthusiasts like you find with The Golf.


When I first started out as a photographer The Golf were only too pleased to offer me work experience and tried their best to help me any way possible, PVW did the same but later on when I did some work for Performance Ford (same group) they took the p***


It's just a shame that The Golf don't cover more C's although I guess it'd cause problems with the name of the mag...



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I'm only going by what I was told at the show. I can't remember the guy's name I was speaking to about it, but think he was one of the organisers of the day/people who run VWCC.

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Yeah the enthusiasm that the guys from The Golf have got is amazing


Everytime ive spoken to PVW its like hitting a brick wall just not interested


The impression ive got from The Golf is that there thinking of opening the mag to all Vag cars instead of concentrating on Golf's but i dont care i still think its a great mag and would be more than happy if my car was feature on it :D


Dan ill ask some of the guys frm CCGB and get back to you

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as far as i know the talks to get in in the mag has started


havent followed it up but as im going down to pick up my car tomorrow ill ask the question

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hello mate


ok spoke to the people concerned and yes this is happening just sorting outt he final things i.e write ups etc


but expect it soon


hope this helps :D

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8) wicked!


Make sure there are some nice ones of mine :wink:


Look forward to seeing it!



Dan :mrgreen:

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