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help! temp sensor

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hey ppl, i have a k plate rado vr6. been going great and couldnt complain, but all of a sudden the temp gauge on the clocks has been goin through the roof (even when i 1st start it up from freezing cold) then the fans kick in! :? :shrug:

its made my batt go flat once!! i thinking poss sensor but what one out of three?! lol :gag: :cuckoo:


and whilst im on the subject, my speedo is having a spacky moment, only does it every now and then but this is what happens, i will be staionary and the needle flicks up to 80mph then back down, and sometimes the needle dont even move when im driving along? wtf?? another sensor? elec problem?? need assistance! lol :help: :help: :shrug: :shrug: :scratch:

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First problem probably the temp sender.


The second problem sounds like speed sensor onto of the gear box is dud.


dude, what one is the water temp sensor as there is three in a row? also does this speedo sensor sit ontop of the box, fron or back of the gearbox??

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First problem probably the temp sender.


The second problem sounds like speed sensor onto of the gear box is dud.


dude, what one is the water temp sensor as there is three in a row? also does this speedo sensor sit ontop of the box, fron or back of the gearbox??


Think its the blue one mate. Use the search it will have been covered loooads of times :D


Not sure exactly where the sensor sits, sorry.

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