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How to remove linkbar from ARbar to wishbone ?

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The link bar connecting the front antiroll bar to the drivers-side wishbone on my VR has broken.


I have a new one on order - s/be here tommorrow - and I have been able to remove the lower part (where it attaches to the wishbone) ok, but I just cannot see how to remove the part that screws into the end of the AR bar. Where I was expecting a screwhead or a bolt head, there is what looks like a circular plastic 'cover' ( ?? ) with a star pattern on. Nothing to get a grip on, unless you need a special tool ??


I may be able to work it out when I see the new one - but has anyone replaced this bit ?? If so, any advice how to remove this part would be much appreciated.

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15mm spanner IIRC, right on the end of the bar before the plastic cap bit.


The drop links screw directly into the end of the ARB. Clean the ARB up a bit more....you should see a flat section at the end. That's the bit you undo.

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Done :)


Easy when you know how, lol. Couldn't tell that what looked like the end of the bar was in fact the nut that needed unsrewing.

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