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Bournemouth James

FAO jims16v

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Hello mate.


Well after a totally unsuccessful spell of trying to sell my Saxo last year, I gave up just before christmas, as £50 autotrader adverts every few weeks was getting a bit pricey.


Over christmas I had decided I was going to save up some money and buy myself a MK2 Golf GTI as a bit of a project car to get myself back into dubs with minimal costs as, well, the Golf is renowned for being well behaved :)


Past couple of weeks i've just been thinking how much I want another Corrado.. you know.. why spend £1300 on a nice MK2 Golf GTI when I could spend £2000 on a nice Corrado 16v :)


We'll see... depends on the Saxo going, but gonna try again in the next few weeks to shift it :)


Besides, i'm fed up of going to the Corrado Forum / Club events, and having people rib me about driving the Saxo.


At the CCGB EGM one guy was like "Who the hell parked a Saxo with all the Corrado's.." - I said it was me, I paid my £15/year membership so i'll park where the hell I want... ;)


And at the CF rolling road day at Stealth, got coaxed into running my Saxo on the rollers just after the BMW M3 which someone ran, much to everyones amusement.. still all a bit of a laugh eh? :)


I just want back into the 'club' !!


Cheers for asking btw!

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Hang on in there Jim...


I had to wait the best part of 3 years between my first Corrado and the one I've got now due to insurance problems... It'll be worth it when you finally do get one again... 8)

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hey jim mate try putting it on e-bay if not one of my mates after a black SAXO VTR about s-t reg but he only want a black one LOL i duno why???what your spec (i havent seen it) maybe i can help ya out...

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Ah.. won't be for him then I am afraid.


Its about as un-black as they come, and much later year than he is after too.


2001/Y in Topaz Gold!! :)


Thanks for checking though.

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At the CCGB EGM one guy was like "Who the hell parked a Saxo with all the Corrado's.." - I said it was me, I paid my £15/year membership so i'll park where the hell I want... ;)



Spoilt the photos a bit though didn't it ;-) :lol:

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I was, I think, how kevhaywire had been feeling with his Corrado. Fed up with something going wrong every day.


I wanted a car that was going to be reasonably new, under warranty, but still reasonably nippy. I didn't shop around much, and I knew I wanted to trade the Corrado in as I just couldn't bare to actually sell it. I wanted a warm hatch, and there weren't too many cars I liked.. the Saxo VTR was one of them though, and Citroen had a good range of them when I went to look.


But as you say, moment of madness. I was so fed up and so skint, this seemed like a good way out. I can't fault the Saxo though for being pretty much totally reliable and reasonably quick.. but I just haven't stopped thinking about getting another Corrado since the day I handed over the keys to mine. Call me an enthusiast :)


So this has been a huge costly mistake.. but hopefully I have learned a bit of a lesson.

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