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Gillian G60

G60 wont start... have searched!

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okay... so it was working fine the other day... came home to see a little smoke coming from under the bonnet... pulled the bonnet release which caused a spark down by fuse box, as i looked under the bonnet there was another bigger spark! i realised this was because the battery had slip forward and was touching the bonnet release end thingy...! (which explained spark from wire on bonnet release lever)... since then the car hasn't started


I've checked all fuses... FINE

There is a spark

Fuel pump primes and checked fuel passes through filter

blue temp sensor when unplugged changes sound of ignition, so assume is fine

there is power going to hall sender

and power going to injector rail


Would all these be fine if the ecu was affected


what could the battery have shorted out...?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as Ive spent hours on this and getting NO WHERE:(

Thanks in advance

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I have now put fuel into the cylinders directly, turned over and it fired and ran for a few seconds, so is obviously a fuelling issue! maybe an earth somewhere has been burnt away through shorting out?? what are the main electrical components of the fuelling system on te g60? most likely culprit?? Thanks

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It might be a blown ECU i'm afraid... best to try yours in another G60 before doing anything else if you can...


If it proves to be at fault you must check all the engine / gearbox earths before fitting a new one

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But if the ecu were at fault wouldnt that mean there would be other side effects... its just it seems everything is fine, just no fuel is getting into the combustion chamber...? I know fuel is being delivered to the fuel rail, but obviously the injectors for some reason are not injecting into the engine...

how can i test for power coming from the injector wiring connector? where is it earthed?


I do have another corrado g60 so could swap the ecu's over i guess. thanks for the help mate...:)

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Hey, the ECU's have an injector driver on the board, this can blow (common digifant problem) when the engine is not earthed correctly and it earths thru the ECU itself...


Make sure you try your ecu on the other car first to prove it's faulty!

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Right, I've tried the ECU in my other car, and it fired up as always...!?

So I guess I can rule the ecu out... any other suggestions? :shrug:

anyone know where the injector wiring connector is earthed? ... or ow would I test for power running through the connector?


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Maybe swap the ecu and fuel pump relays fromthe working car and also check all battery connections etc... also maybe look for any extra alarm fuses near the battery that might have blown?

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Right, I've tried the ECU in my other car, and it fired up as always...!?

So I guess I can rule the ecu out... any other suggestions? :shrug:

anyone know where the injector wiring connector is earthed? ... or ow would I test for power running through the connector?




the injectors are earthed through the ecu electronically to fire the injectors.


You can check that you have 12 volts to the rail with a multimeter obviously

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