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smokey engine

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Hi all how goes it

I have may have a serious prob with my corrado16v

I've just had the cylinder head rebuilt new valvestem oilseals the lot as the engine was a bit smokey when it got hot.

Now that the car is running agian the engine runs and ticks over great only there is very petroly smelling white smoke comming from the exhuast.

I'm very upset as the engine rebuild cost a fortune and i don't want to drive a smokey car


If anyone has any idea as to what this might be please help




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Im no expert. But WHITE smoke is water vapour, blue is oil and black normally indicates engine running rich.


When you replaces the cylinder head i gather you got it skimmed before fitting a new gasket?

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Thanks i did get the head skimmed.

I discovered that the problem was oil going up through the crank case breather into the air box and into the inlet manifold this has been sorted and the car runs a dream.

Now I can concentrate on personal styling of my beloved rad.

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Thanks i did get the head skimmed.

I discovered that the problem was oil going up through the crank case breather into the air box and into the inlet manifold this has been sorted and the car runs a dream.

Now I can concentrate on personal styling of my beloved rad.


Great news. Nice one :D

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How did you find that out mate?


And how much did it cost to sort as I think I'm having the same problem. :(

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