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steering rack problem

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Hi, I have a 95 16v which I've had for 8 years with 88k on the clock.

£200 maintenance per year until now!

Question 1

I've got a steering boot split and the rack is making a nasty noise. The garage say they should be able to grease it up, but worst case scenario = new rack! Any recommendations on where to go for price and quick delivery on a good reconditioned one?

Question 2

There is also excessive play in the steering column. When sitting inside I can move the column up and down and left and right in the centre setting more than I should be able to. It is slightly better when adjusted higher or lower. Any ideas on what needs replacing? And frighten me with an approximate cost?

Once again I am grateful for the responses I get. Because the car has cost me so little over the years I always take it to the local VW experts -not dealers -so dont get to involved myself.

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Hi there... yeah £200 a year is pretty low to be honest (for a car over 5 years old anyway) and it's likely you're going to need to spend a bit in the next year or 2 to replace the sort of stuff that wears out at around the 80 to 100k mark - ie boots, bushes, ball joints etc...


Regarding the split boot - that would never really cause the rack to wear out, if it's one of the 2 track rod boots then worse case scenario if you need to replace the whole rod with the boot - this will cost about £50 in parts. If it's the main column boot then you might need to replace the UJ and this might also explain the second issue.


The play in the column could be a worn top bearing (part of the lock housing), loose sheer bolts holding the column up or a badly worn UJ or adjustable column (if fitted) and in that case I would think about replacing it with a fixed one (search on here for info)

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Thanks for reply to steering rack problem on 15th August.

Been on holiday since (in trusty Mondeo!) hence delayed thanks.

Have now been told the ABS light won't go out so the whole lot has to be sent for refurbishment. Great.

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