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Noisy fuel pump

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Have done a search but not turned up a simialr problem, I replaced the in tank fuel pump about 2 months ago, and it was fine for a while, but recently it has became really really noisy again, soon as I switch the car on and when its running (almost sounds like its priming all the time?) The car is running great (finally!) with no other problems at all. Does anyone know what it could be? Could it be the relay I have read about, if so which one 67/109?

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Did you change the fuel filter at the same time? It may be that the filter is blocked, putting strain on the pump.


When i changed my fuel pump, the filter was the original still from 1995!! :lol:

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Yeah i did change the filter at the same time. I was thinking that it could be this (my girlfriends keeps running the tank empty and leavin me to fill it up :lol: ) but surely 2 months wouldnt be enough to clog a brand new filter?

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80 or 167 is the fuel pump relay but it won't be that....


It could just be knackered but running below the red-line makes them overheat and get noisey... could also be a clogged mesh at the bottom of the pump...

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Clogged mesh at the bottom of the pump sounds like a good shout since the tank has been really empty its probably filled with all the nasties at the bottom of the tank, will check that one out.


Also out of interest the car has one of those weird "power boost valves" fitted, I'm going to take it off when I get a chance anyway, but could this have caused any issues?

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