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Dying Engine, performance/servicing advice needed

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Hey guys,


Need some assistance from you guys on the following I hope you can give me any advice you have :)


Some back ground info; My 9a has 135k miles on it and has KR Cam, and that's it really. Recent replacements; fuel filter / timing belt / oil / oil filter done at 125k miles.


1. I have done some research on the 9a engine and i raised a query before that once my engine heats up it loses a lot of responsiveness and "feels" to me like it has lost about 30bhp. I have read old posts on other forums and no one seems to come to a conclusion or a fix after replacing countless things. Someone has suggested the flap inside the air box isn't closing once the engine warms up, would that really have much effect and if so whats the best way to test it?


2. This has only happened twice in the past 6 weeks, my engine just totally dies , no judder or jump like when it is about to stall just totally gone dead and takes me by supprise, i have only ever noticed this when slowing down to take a corner, i'm a bad driver and usually have the clutch fully down when im slowing down so i know it's never to do with being in the wrong gear. It happened the other day and took me be supprise before i took a corner and i went over to the wrong side of the road as the power steering and all had gone. The engine restarts fine after this.


3. At 135k miles what would you recommend i service? I'm looking to purchase;

NGK spark plugs part number; BKUR7ET

WIX oil filter

and 10/40 oil


As part of this service I'm thinking about getting a new fuel pump, is ebay the best bet for a fuel pump? i really dont want to spend a ton of money. Does the fuel pump in the tank itself need replaced? i've seen on ebay some fuel pumps supporting 500bhp if used in conjuntion with the intank fuel pump or only 400bhp if used solo.

Would it be a good idea to buy this pump and use it solo and disable the in tank pump?



Again, thanks for reading my post and for offering any advice, sorry if i ask some stupid questions :)

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