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Sir Charles

Help with 2.0 8v needed - Broke down

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Hi there,


I broke down outside my local college @ 3.30pm about 2 weeks ago (the day I was flying to America no less) and now that I'm back I want to get it sorted. Basically its an automatic and was running fine, I stopped in traffic and put it into neutral - then when I put in in D to pull off again the revs wouldnt build up and the car would only creep. There was a slight knock or bang underneath the car if i remember and i managed to get about 30-50 yards before the car stopped creeping and eventually cut out. Then it wouldnt start would only turn over. I got it recovered to my house and when the truck left, i tried starting the car again and it duly did - but with the same non rev problem and would idle very roughly. Can anyone shed any light on what this may be?


The car doesnt have alot of petrol in it but I have taken it lower than that many times before without problems or breaking down, so I don't think its lack of fuel in the tank. However I will be putting some in later to see if that is the problem. I have been told that there may be a fault with the CAT as one possibility.

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